Saturday, 22 December 2012


1.      Give the precedence of operators.
2.      Explain Recursion with factorial program.
3.      Explain Storage classes.
4.      Difference between structure and union
5.      Explain enum.
6.      Explain the scope of variables(local /global variables)
7.       Differentiate between call by value and call by reference.
8.      Explain NULL Pointer.
9.      Explain static variables.
10.  What do you understand by structure? How structure work? cvbcbcv
11.  Explain pointer to structure.
12.  Explain user define data-type.
13.  Discuss fopen and fclose function.
14.  Explain the various modes of files.
15.  Explain EOF function.
16.  Explain Preprocessor
17.  Explain the concept of oops
18.  Difference between object oriented and procedure oriented
Programs List
1.      Write a program to find greatest number among given three number?
2.      Print table of any number.
3.      Write a program to check the number is prime number or not.
4.      Make a program for Armstrong number.
5.      Fibonacci series 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21…
6.      WAP for decimal to binary and binary to decimal.
7.      Swapping program using intermediate variable or without intermediate.
8.      Greatest common divisor.(GCD)
9.      WAP to find L.C.M.
10.  WAP to find vowels, consonants and spaces in the given line.
11.  WAP of string palindrome and number palindrome.
12.  WAP for string functions.
13.  Factorial of given number using function.
14.  WAP to find the sum of diagonal of a given matrix.
15.  WAP to find Matrix multiplication of a given matrix.
16.  Find out the maximum  &  smallest number with the help of array
17.  W A P to find the ascending and descending the element if the array
18.  Find out the length of string
19.  Program for palindrome without using second array.
20.  W A P to input string and check palindrome or not.
21.  Counting character words and lines in a text.
22.  program for making accept two no as parameter and return h.c.f*/
23.   program to print the given no is even or odd with using function                              
24.  W A P compare two strings using pointer.
25.  WAP to check Leap year.
26.  WAP using structure for book.

Programs List
1.      Write a program to create a structure of employee with following fields
        Emp_id (ii) Emp_name (iii) Emp_deptt (iv) Emp_Sal
2.      Write a program to create a array o structure of above query
3.      Write a program to create a structure of student with following fields
      Std_roll (ii) Std_name (iii) Std_branch (iv) Std_sem (v) Std_marks1 (vi)    
      Std_marks2 (vii) Std_marks3 (viii) Std_marks4 (ix) Std_marks5
(x) Std_marks5 (xi) Total_marks (xii) percentage (xiii) grade

Grade will compute accordingly

Percentage                         Grade
X>=75                               A
60<=X<75                                    B
45<=X<60                                    C
0<=X<45                          D
4.      Write a program to open a file in Appending mode
5.      Write a program to open an existing file and counts the number of characters
6.      Write a program to open an existing file and counts the numbers of words
7.      Write a program to open an existing file and counts the number of lines
8.      WAP in C++ using constructor and destructor.
9.      WAP in C++ using inheritance.
10.  WAP using polymorphism.

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